Republic of the Turkish capital Ankara, big and huge country
located in South-West Asia and parts of southeastern Europe, bordered by
Georgia, Armenia and Iran to the east, and is bordered by Iraq, Syria and the southern
Mediterranean, and is bordered to the north and the Aegean Sea, Bulgaria and
Greece to the west and the Black Sea, is also joint owner naval border with the
states of Cyprus and the Arab Republic of Egypt, with a total area of about
780,500 km and with a population counter about 75 million people are
concentrated mainly in the capital Ankara and Istanbul and its suburbs also
showed the latest statistics.

The population of
Turkey consists of different races and Turks, more than 70% the biggest race
and nearly 20% of Kurds and 10% is distributed to other ethnic groups, such as
ethnic Assyrians and Arameans and Bosnians and Chechens and milk and
Circassians and Greece, Armenians and Bulgarians and Georgians, Arabs and many
Kalooozbk and Kyrgyz minorities, Turkmen and Kazakh, Tatar and it is the
largest Turkish community in the German Republic , numbering almost five

The official language
is Turkish, spoken by about 77% of the population and another language is
spoken by Kurdish and the Kurds, who make up about 20% and there is a good
percentage is even speak Arabic Private Turks of Arab origin in the near the
territory of the region of Anatolia, Syria and Lebanon, and there speak their
native languages of minorities, and English and German very well spread among
the people, while the dominant religion in Turkey is Islam and was by about
99.8% of the population and there is a small percentage of Christians and Jews,
and there are some Kalsabih Yezidis and religions.

'drya Divided into seven areas, namely:
1-Aegean region and
Douhaha and Oqditha
2. East Anatolia Region
3. Black Sea region and sea borders
4. Southeastern Anatolia Region
5. Mediterranean maritime borders
6. Central Anatolia
7. Nizqh Marmara and
its suburbs and Oqditha

And divided these
regions and suburbs to nearly 80 province live almost 74% of the population in
the cities of Istanbul and population among the 10 million people, while the
number of residents of the capital Ankara, near 4 million people and Izmir, about
3 million people, and the stock of about two million people and approximately
1.7 million Adana.

Is a tourism operator
in the country of the Turks the most important factors of the economy Fbokhr
Statistics show that the number Alsaihieddin each year nearly 20 million
tourists and is an overwhelming percentage of them German in addition to other
nationalities, the British and the Russians, where is famous for the Turkish
coast and beautiful large beaches, while Turkey depend on agriculture as a
major supplier, where the national economy average income of almost 45% of the
annual gross national product while also famous for commerce and industry.
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