Spain, or English (Spain) is a state located in South
Western Europe on the continent, and occupies the majority of the Iberian
Peninsula area, which is the third largest peninsula in the European continent.
Limits of northern
Spain Bay of Biscay, which links the North Atlantic Ocean, and is bordered to
the north-east France, and Andorra. Although bordered on the side, west and
south of the South: the Mediterranean Sea, the Straits of Gibraltar, as well as
views of a small area of the coast called the Strait of Gibraltar (Gibraltar
area or Ghebrltar ), currently self-regulated, and a crown, and the limits of
Spain Eastern Albulaara East Sea and South and parts of the Gulf of Lyon, which
relate to the Mediterranean Sea. Portugal and is bordered to the west. It is
bordered by the Atlantic Ocean from the North West, the South and the West End.

Followed by many islands of Spain, and most important:
Balearic Islands, located in the islands of the Mediterranean, the Canary
Islands, located in the north of the Atlantic Ocean, near the southwestern
coast Morocco, Spain, spread over an area of approximately: (504 645) km 2 and
a population of over 46 million people, where the number of inhabitants
according to the 2014 estimates: 46.50776 (million) people. The vast majority
of these persons professing the Catholic Christian religion, which represent
almost 75% of the total population, and the rest is represented by atheism and
atheistic minority, and some other religious minorities.

Spain is a multilingual country, Spanish or Castilian is the
first official language in the country. There are other official languages of
the jurisdiction in certain areas, including: Catalan, Basque and language, and
language Algalasah. There are also some of the local languages recognized that
the system of government in Spain is a constitutional monarchy, democratic, and
Spain are members of the European Union and NATO. And it is one of the
economically developed countries, and where the standard of living is high. The
official currency since 2002 until now is the euro, where the previous currency
is the Spanish peseta.

And the capital of Spain is the city of Madrid, or in
English (Madrid). It is located in the center of Madrid, Spain, passing in his
heart called River (the River Manzanares), a Madrid area (605.77) 2 km. The
largest city in Spain in terms of population, with an estimated population
(3,236,344) people, that Madrid is the largest city in Spain, they are the
political and economic status, where one of the largest financial centers in
Aloaberbh peninsula. And where the modern and sophisticated infrastructure. And
where most tourist attractions, such as the historic neighborhoods and streets,
and royal palaces, museums and libraries.
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