Sweden: It is a European country, located in relation to the
continent of Europe on the north side, and the area where Sweden is called
(Scandinavia), Sweden is one of the Scandinavian countries, and Scandinavia is
a region comprising several countries are linked to each other historically and
culturally, and culturally, and Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Norway and

Limits of Sweden in the Baltic Sea to the east and south,
and is bordered by Finland to the north, and bordered by Norway in the west,
and the north side, but from the southwest, Faihdha Kattegat bay that connects
to the North Sea, Sweden has borders freely Denmark, Germany, Poland and
Denmark are associated with so-called bridge (the Øresund Bridge).

The capital is the city of Stockholm, Sweden, this city is
located on the eastern coast of Sweden, the geographic area in which the
Stockholm located busy islands, which is close to the eastern coast of Sweden,
which overlooks the Baltic Sea.

Trace Stockholm City administratively in Stockholm County,
Stockholm County is one of the provinces that make up Sweden as administrative
divided, it is known that Sweden is administratively divided into 21 provinces,
Stockholm County is the largest province in Sweden in terms of population and
in terms of population density. The city of Stockholm spread over an estimated
area: (188) square kilometers, (73 square miles). The increase in the Stockholm
city almost equal to the surface of the sea. And the city of Stockholm is the
largest city in Sweden in terms of population, where almost a population of up
to one million people, has a precise population estimates reached by 2014 :.
(911,989) people, it is a ratio of the number% of the total population of
Sweden and is (9.35 approx.): (9,747,355) people estimated in 2015.

Regarding the density
of the population in the city of Stockholm, is the largest city in Sweden in
terms of population density, where the population density where: (. Approx
4851) people in every square kilometer, or: (12493) people per square mile.

The city of Stockholm is the capital of central Sweden, one
of the largest and most famous cities of the continent of Europe and in the
Nordic region, where it is the seat of government, the Swedish Parliament,
where Swedish king's residence is located, and where there are the main
institutions of the state, which concentrates a large number of the population,
the city Stockholm is the largest city in Sweden in terms of population and in
terms of density population, and the city of Stockholm, Sweden, is the
political, economic, financial and commercial.
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